AnnouncementsFIREweek, July 1-2 2009The conference “FIRE and Living Labs – Future Internet by the people” was held July 1-2, in Lulea, Sweden. Approximately 300 participants from 27 countries were at the conference. The FIRE community focuses on Future Internet Research and Experimentation and the Living Labs community with the mission to engage people, users as co-creators in the development of new successful products and services. During the conference, Mario Compolargo announced the technical requirements for call 5. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-07-02 00:00 | Announcements | read more
PLE Video Tutorial: New UsersA video tutorial explaining how to register with PlanetLab Europe as a new user. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-06-07 00:00 | Announcements | read more
Everstats in the Public DomainEverstats is now public domain and available. This site includes an issue tracker and source control system. Feel free to download from here, or to suggest improvements. Everstats is currently covered by a BSD license. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-05-28 00:00 | Announcements | read more
PlanetLab Europe Video Tutorial: Enabling UsersA video tutorial for Principal Investigators is available on How to Enable Users. The short video is a step by step guide to getting new researchers enabled on your PLE site. The video also provides a short overview of some of the Principal Investigator's responsibilities. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-05-21 00:00 | Announcements | read more
PlanetStats AvailablePlanetStats, the monitoring site for PlanetLab Europe is now available. PlanetStats monitors user activity on PlanetLab Europe. It creates aggregate data on a daily basis for activity on PlanetLab Europe. PlanetStats provides graphs and reports on PLE activity including information on nodes, slices, CPU usage and in-going and out-going network bandwidth. Here is a live report showing PlanetLab Europe Slices active over the past seven days, among other information. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-05-08 00:00 | Announcements
OneLab and PlanetLab Europe Briefing VideoA new video overview of the OneLab project and PlanetLab Europe is available. Prof Scott Kirkpatrick (HUJI) explains the scope of the OneLab project large-scale distributed network testbed. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-05-02 00:00 | Announcements | read more
MyPLC version 4.3PlanetLab has released a new version of MyPLC. The new version represents a major upgrade from version 4.2 MyPLC version 4.3 was codeveloped by Princeton and the OneLab project. Improvements with the upgrade include an entirely reworked user interface and a more flexible data model. The API is not 100% backward compatible but brings new generic features for handling heterogeneous types of resources like nodes and interfaces. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-04-30 00:00 | Announcements | read more
Everstats ServiceThe Everstats service is up and running again. The package collects slicestat data from PLE nodes and maintains it in aggregate form in a local database. The Everstats system is live and public. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-04-27 00:00 | Announcements
PlanetLab Europe Video Tutorial: Generating an SSH Key for Mac or UNIXA new video tutorial is available. This tutorial covers the general issues about SSH Keys and PlanetLab, but is geared for Mac and UNIX users. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-04-25 00:00 | Announcements | read more
PlanetLab Europe Video Tutorial: Generating an SSH Key for PC/WindowsA new video tutorial is available. This tutorial covers the general issues about SSH Keys and PlanetLab. It is geared for PC/Windows users. There is also a tutorial for MAC/UNIX users available. By PlanetLab-Europe at 2009-04-25 00:00 | Announcements | read more
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