
PlanetLab Europe is the European portion of the publicly available PlanetLab testbed and is a part of the OneLab experimental facility.

PlanetLab, established in 2002, is a global network of computers available as a testbed for computer networking and distributed systems research. As of December 2011, PlanetLab was composed of 1024 nodes at 530 sites worldwide. Each research project runs a "slice", that gives experimenters access to a virtual machine on each node attached to that slice. See the PLE statistics page for more details.

Accounts are available to persons affiliated with corporations and universities that host PlanetLab nodes. Those who join PlanetLab Europe have access to the entire system. They also participate in the initiatives built around PlanetLab in Europe.

PlanetLab members actively participate in developing tools for the greater good of the community, and as a result each user has a wide choice of tools to use in order to complete regular slice maintenance tasks.

There are a number of free, public services have been deployed on PlanetLab, including CoDeeN, the Coral Content Distribution Network, and Open DHT.

PlanetLab Europe operates under the direction of Timur Friedman of the LIP6 laboratory of Sorbonne Université, working in collaboration with the Inria, the University of Pisa, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

PlanetLab Europe and OneLab

PlanetLab Europe is a key testbed within the OneLab experimental facility for Future Internet technologies. OneLab is extending PlanetLab Europe into new environments, beyond the classic wired internet. OneLab is deepening PlanetLab Europe by incorporating new monitoring tools. OneLab is federating PlanetLab Europe, both with other PlanetLabs worldwide and with other types of testbeds.

The OneLab experimental facility is funded by several different research projects, including OpenLab and NOVI within the European Commission's FIRE Unit, along with national and international projects F-Lab, FIT and FIBRE.

How to join PlanetLab Europe