Your user name is your slice name
E.g. with OpenSSH:
*ssh -l irb_phi \
-i ~/.ssh/id_planetlab \
sudo yum install gcc
- sudo allows you to be root in your sliver
- yum is the redhat package manager
- You can use any RPM packages you want in your sliver
- Caveat Emptor: yum may take up to one hour to initialize and begin installation of your packages
scp -l huji_dimes \
-i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -r \
- Copy localdir to the remote machine
rsync -a -e “ssh -l huji_dimes” \
- Update the remote directory. Copies only those files that are different
- Copy binaries to the node to run
- scp or rsync works for small numbers of nodes
- Ensure library dependencies are satisfied