
Before using PlanetLab Europe, you need to register with the system.
To register with the system:

  1. Navigate to the Account Registration page.
  2. Fill in personal information
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Title
    • Telephone
    • Email
  3. Choose a password
  4. Select your site
  5. Select any Additional Roles you will have at your site (Principal Investigator or Technical Contact)
  6. Click Register
    • You are now registered with the system. You will receive an auto-response request to confirm your email address.
  7. Click on the link in the email
    • The Principal Investigator will enable your account. When your account is enabled, you will receive an email from the Principal Investigator at your institution confirming your registration. You are authorized to log in as a user.
  8. Log in as user
  9. On the CHOOSE ACTION menu, Choose Enable.