A special welcome to PlanetLab Users From the US

You may have read Larry Peterson's recent announcement that PlanetLab in the United States is shutting down at the end of May 2020. PlanetLab Europe remains open for business, and continues to grow, signing up new sites monthly.

If you are user of planet-lab.org, we welcome you to planet-lab.eu!

Welcome to PlanetLab Europe

PlanetLab Europe is the European portion of the publicly available PlanetLab testbed, a global facility for the deployment of new network services.

Since 2008, hundreds researchers at top academic institutions and industrial research labs have tested their experimental technologies on PlanetLab Europe, including: distributed storage, network mapping, peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, and query processing.


PlanetLab Europe nodes PlanetLab Central nodes
Click on the icons for details of sites and resources offered.